Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Real Fast

Classes for the summer are picked, Fall ones are to be decided this week.
Twins are on a two game winning streak.
Been playing the Gears of War 3 beta since Saturday.  Have to say it's pretty decent.
Not really much else going on, just been busy with school and other life occurrences.  I should be able to post more once this week is over.  I've got two papers due next Monday that take priority.

Today's Portal Kombat day, who's picking up one or both of these releases?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Busy week was busy...

My posts have been lacking, I know.  With night class on Monday and orientation to my transfer college on Tuesday.  Then more school and new TV the next two days, I haven't really gotten an opportunity to write anything.  I could talk about how much the Twins suck this year, but I'm sure anyone having to read another one of my sports rants will let out a sigh and casually click off my page.  My summer classes are picked and ready to go.  The only downside to this is that I get absolutely no break in the transition.  In fact, my finals week for the Spring semester is the beginning of the Summer semester at my new college.  Thankfully I don't have a class when I have a test.  Not that it wouldn't be too big of a deal, I'd just have to schedule taking a final a few days earlier...

Um, today's Friday and stuff too.  That means that I'm raring to go for another Chipotle day.  Seriously, it's the best food on the planet and if you've never had it, shame shame shame...  I also have to go see the stupid college play that's being put on as a requirement for my theatre class.  Not really looking forward to sitting through two and a half hours of "The Seagull" by Anton Chekhov.  But hey, I might get drunk with my buddy afterwards so it the night shouldn't be all bad.  Okay, small Twins rant (only one sentence).  How the piss can a team blow two saves in one game!?!? : http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2011_04_14_minmlb_tbamlb_1&mode=wrap

Have a good day everyone!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Season's finally over

After not making the playoffs for I don't know how many years in a row now, the Minnesota Wild fired coach Todd Richards.  It's not a surprising move considering he couldn't right the ship when we were in the middle of our dismal 8 game losing streak.  What's on tap for the next couple months?  Well, besides addressing the vacancy at the head coaching position, we need to overhaul the roster.  Being nearly at the salary cap with under performing players is unacceptable.  Rebuilding mode is no fun, but it's a necessary step in order to be competitive in the long run.  And Minnesota fans deserve a hockey team that can actually play as well as the top tier teams in the league (Detroit, Vancouver, Philadelphia, Washington, Tampa Bay, etc...).  Another need that must be addressed is finding a goal scorer.  You could say that Martin Havlat kind of fits that role, but only scoring, what, ~25 goals in a 81 game season is nothing to be proud of.  Marian Gaborik was the only true player we've ever had that could consistently net a goal every other game, and we let him go for nothing...

Okay, done with the hockey rant.  I only brought it up because yesterday was their last game of the season and wanted to express my disappointment with them.  I won't be doing the same with the Timberwolves.  They just seem to be, to put it lightly, 'un-fixable'.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Went to class
Ate at Chipotle
Came home
Played Black Ops
Now going to bed...

That was pretty much the extent of my day.  This weekend should be somewhat more eventful since I'm going to my dad's.  Pizza and the Twins game :D